

There's an elephant in the room both metaphorically and synonymously...

So let's talk about this. This is the single biggest step I think I've taken, and let's face it my steps are pretty earth shuddering at this point in time. Ok, ok. Fat jokes aside. This is it. This is the moment. A lifelong struggle is turning into the biggest fight of my life, and it will only end in victory.

I've always been pretty huge big and I've kind of learned to accept it. I am who I am and all that. And while there's some truth in that, it's wrong of me to just admit defeat. I have always given weight loss a try and quite obviously it has failed, but I've never signed my name up and thrown money at a method. I've tried soup dieting before and it was a HORRIFIC experience... it was a diet that was designed for patients to stick to for a couple of weeks before going into surgery for PETE'S SAKE. I ate soup, fruit and vegetables all week, and when my mum made me a hot chocolate whilst on said diet, I cried because it "wasn't part of the plan." Her response?? "I'M COOKING YOU A LASAGNE."

So that was that.

And I'm not doing this for anyone but myself. I honestly couldn't give a shit what anyone thinks about my weight. I only care what I think about it, and I'm not happy. I want to make myself feel better and to feel comfortable in what I wear. I want to walk past a mirror in a shop and not feel the sudden urge to cry and hide in a cave because I didn't realise I had about a million bulges protruding from every point of my body!

And every person who has lost a monumental amount of weight will tell you that it is not just the diet, it's the exercise too. I am hoping that by using Weight Watchers' state-of-the-art tracking system I will be more motivated to push myself because only I will be upset with myself if I don't stick to the plan! So I'm really doing this! Gym and Weight Watchers. WHO AM I?!

What I think I'll do is update the blog weekly as a little diary so that anyone who is interested can join me on the journey and it will make sure that I keep at it. The pressure is on. 8 stone... here we go.

And in the words of Andrea the great (my sis) "IT'S NOT A DIET IT'S A LIFESTYLE CHANGE."

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