

I'm left feeling conflicted about the month of January. On the one hand, I love the idea of a new start. A clean slate to get over the previous year and whatever it chucked over you in the process. But on the other hand there is all this expectation. Everyone is meant to start a diet; nab a gym membership; buy a filofax and be nicer to people.
I feel that the reason people become so depressed in January is because they've set themselves up for all of this change and realised that nothing much has ACTUALLY changed and then it's failure before February.

Nah. To hell with that. This January I am not putting myself under so much pressure! I am going to get back into healthy eating and be a bit more active. As long as I'm looking after myself I'm happy with that. I will be a bit more organised with what I have to do, but that's because I have a MASSIVE workload and I would be a silly moo not to. 

This year I am working towards graduating University; writing my dissertation; getting some work experience (If you're a broadcast journo and need some help in the newsroom please get in touch!!); finishing my Multimedia project (more on that later); finding a job and moving out somewhere with Benjamino. I'm getting my life on track. 

This is the end of one chapter and the start of the next! So, lots to do to keep myself busy. I understand that there are so many of you in the same stressful situation and I'm here for you. I'm so here for you it hurts. We'll get through this together! Even if you're not a student and know that this year is going to be a bit mental, I'm here for you. Let this year be a successful one and may we all accomplish what we set out to do! 

Christmas and New Year's 2014
I hope you enjoyed your New Year's festivities too! I did, I spent my time with Ben and his family in the Midlands. We went for lovely country walks and spent some time in Brum. Had a night getting to know his family and it was lovely! One of the first things we did in the new year? Made a cup of tea. Of course. Start as you mean to go on. 

This year is going to be so difficult but so amazing at the same time. I dream of the day I get to move out of shared accommodation, get a job and be where I want to be with my loved one. I think we're thinking of finding somewhere all together completely new, and that's as scary as it is exciting! I'm well up for the challenge and giving it a go somewhere else. I'm not sure where we're thinking at the moment, but London prices are a bit ridiculous so perhaps another city with a bit going on. 

So I don't really know what I was trying to accomplish with this post. I suppose I just wanted to check in with you all really, see how you're getting on? Comment to tell me if you have any resolutions or tips for the new year, or tell me about the projects you're planning to take on. I'd love to know what you're up to! 

Anyway, I just want to wish you all a very happy new year. If you've just found me, hello to you! If you've been reading for a while, thanks for being there - love you! Let this year be the best one yet!